Net Admin

What is Net Admin?


Short for Network Administrator, a Net Admin in some cases is an under appreciated super-technician with experience in many fields that relate to maintenance/management/setup/configuration/*etc. of a computer network and its devices that may be within or on the outside (ex. Mobile users).

Their resume by themselves require a degree in acronyms do decipher and include extensive certifications like MCSA, MCSE, CCNA, CCNP, NETWORK+, A+,Linux+, LPI (multiple levels), **etc. (just to mention some of the more well known).

A good Net Admin keeps the system working day in and day out, week after week, month to month, year after year, like to infinity and that means no holidays, weekends, or social life.

They also tolerate so much B.S.from upper level management, CTOs, clients, computer illiterate coworkers, clowns, and cross-talk. It is no wonder that they only do this for limited amount of time and then become network consultants (read #3 please) or Rogue Net Admin.

Finally, they are indispensable for businesses that use computers and should therefore receive gifts like a nice binary watch or pocket protectors for they are the ones that keep the “precious” network running.


*etc. = changing desktop wallpapers, making a WORD shortcut on the desktop because users can’t find it in the start menu, and apparently fixing: televisions, programmable VCR’s, dishwashers, radios and just about anything that uses 120VAC.

**etc. = the love of acronyms in ITis amazing: MySQL, HTML, DHTML, CSS, PHP, ASP, WAN, LAN, WWAN, WIFI, PPOE, BIOS, CMOS, MOBO, SVGA, SXVGA, TCP/IP, SMTP, POP, IMAP, RAM, ROM, HDD, SSD, OS, OSI,ISO, mIRC,… that is just what comes to mind…

Purely hypothetical because in reality this would not happen… too often.

Girl: So what do you do for a living?

Guy: Well, I am a “Net Admin” (thinks he’s cool)

Girl: What’s that?

Guy: A network administrator… (chick = clueless)... (uhhh simplify), I work on computers.

Girl: Oh cool, so you can fix my TV…

See admin, network, net, techie, tech, it, information technology


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