What is Netball?
Contrary to the uninformed beliefs of Gumba Gumba, is a game that was invented in the United States by a New Orleans sports teacher named Clara Baer. She had been learned of a new game called
Baer misunderstood certain aspects of the court lines that Naismith had included in a sketch enclosed in his response, and thus netball - originally known as women's indoor basketball - became a game quite distinct from Naismith's game. The first official game of netball was played in 1895.
Source: IFNA International Netball Weebsite.
slang for smoking marijuana. also slang name for marijuana.
also for a serious "session" you can be come a "silver fern", which are in fact the world champions of the womens sport also known as netball. and the most serious level of netball is known as the world cup.
dave: hey tom, you keen to play netball?
tom: yea bro, for sure.
tom: yo dave, world cup on the stove tonight
dave: fucken aye boy!
The sport of manly men.
Wow, look at Bruce go - he's so good at netball, and such a stud.
(n.) A rather lame British game played by eight year old girls. With one rule change and a bigger playing area this effiminate game of skill and control becomes america's biggest sport, played by tall geeks and black homosexuals.
Netball, a girls game, became basketball
Rounders , a girls game, became baseball
rugby , an excellent game for real men, was adopted by repressed homos and called football, named after a very popular sport.