
What is Netflix?


Verb: to assign a DVD title to your Netflix queue. Or, to put the DVD title on your viewing agenda.

I won't be seeing Shrek 2 in the theatre. Instead, I'll netflix it for later. Or, I recommend Star Trek: Enterprise Season One. You should netflix it.

See Becky


The action of renting DVDs solely for the purpose of copying them to DVD-Rs. Netflix warehouses are America's 512TB swap drive.

"Man, I totally Netflixed the Simpsons."


1. To rent a DVDfrom Netflix.

2. To place a DVD in your Netflix queue.

"Titanic is a classic movie. You should netflix it sometime."

"The movie isn't sold anymore, but you might be able to netflix it if you want to see it."


The very best way to rent DVDs you order them online and they come in the mail no late fees, you can have 3 out at a time, and you don't have to deal with the asshole employees at Blockbuster. All for only $20 a month charged to your credit card.

"Wanna go to Blockbuster?"

"Shit no!! I got Netflix and I can keep my movies out for as long as I want best of all I don't have to deal with Blockbusters lackluster selection and the employees who treat me like shit."

See seth


verb: To add a dvd to your netflix queue with the expressed purpose of burning it and adding to your dvd collection.

Yeah, I love Old School. I'm gonna netflix it so that I can have a copy at home.

See rent, burn, copy, pirate


Noun. Shortened way of saying "DVDs received by mail from Netflix online DVD rental service"

I'm not going out tonight. I have alot of netflix at home. Or, I've just returned some Netflix, so I have nothing to watch.

See Becky


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