What is New Germany, Nova Scotia?


How true are these???

For those who grew up in New Germany, there you, and recognize the


1) what "dasn't" means

2) that "coppers" aren't police but a form of money

3) that "hooters" aren't on a woman, but something you smoke to get high

4) you took your father's work truck to school, complete with diesel,

powersaw, or chains on back

5) the community pool is on the lake

6) Garney

7) that the only Tim Horton's coffee available is Irving coffee

8) the line up at the liquor store at 10am is only equal to the banking line

on cheque day

9) where a traffic jam means a tractor trailer is parked in the road

10) that squirelling means spinning your tires ... bonus points if it's in

the school parking lot

11) leaving school to go to one of three greasy eateries means summer's in

the air

12) you know what a Kirk's jerk is

13) the Station yard

14) you call a volunteer firefighter to find out where the fire is

15) you go to Bridgewater and *they* make fun of your Lunenburg County


16) you know that the video store was actually a drug store

17) you stayed at "The Welfare Hotel"

18) you were conceived at the Canada Day garden party

19) you've gone tubing down the river

20) you buy vegetables or fish out of the back of a truck

21) you let your wife get a hunting license so you can bag two deer

22) your car has been hit by deer a minimum of two times

23) there's a CB in your truck

24) you read the "Court Report" to make sure they didn't spell your name


25) the only place to drink is the Legion

26) you met your better half at a Legion dance

27) the railroad tracks are in better condition than the main road

28) you remember when Eggie's was owned by Eggie

29) you've ever had to wash manure off your car

30) you've had people think you're from Europe (Germany?)

31) you and your family either work at: Michelin, Bowater (and calls it

Bowaters), in the woods or shearing Christmas trees

32) on the weekend, you rush to read the flyers and are upset that they've

already been "read"

33) you partied more in camps than in bars

34) when someone asks if you own a car, you tell them you have a


35)you have at least one childhood photo of yourself holding either a

trout or an (empty?) beer bottle, bonus points if it's both

36) you've ever been called "dutchy"

37) ending a sentence with with is perfectly accepted English

38) your family tree overlaps more than once

39) you remember the pizza restaurant

40) you know people who say "farther" instead of "father"

41) someone in your family has had the shine

42) your next door neighbour sold beer

43) your next door neighbour sold hooters

44) you remember when New Germany had a train

45) you make fun of people from the outskirts of New Germany (Hemford, North River)

46) you know that smeltz potatoes aren't made from fish

47) on holidays, you argue about what kind of dressing (black or brown) to


48) you've ever filled in a pothole with gravel, sawdust, or other fill

49) you go into a gas station and ask for "unleaded"

50) goin' to town means cruising around the TOB

51) you recognize at least two people in the community notes section of the


52) you've ever read the telephone book to see who has placed an ad in the


53) you don't go to get your hair cut -- you go for the gossip

54)your truck follows one of the following designs a) multicoloured b)

welded or fixed with sheet metal and pot rivets c) jacked up d) has a

wooden box instead of a metal one e) is painted with Tremclad

55) instead of being affiliated with a political party, people know you come

from either GM, Ford, or Dodge families

56) you organize your week around Bingo

57) you've spent at least three years trying to get your Grade 12

58) if, instead of going to a dance that turns into a fight, you go to a


that turns into a dance

59) think that plaid or doeskin is appropriate clothing for shopping or

family reunions

60) you spend time at the local garage, just "hanging" out

61) you give directions that involve signposts like "hang a left by the old

Zwicker place"

62)you call a house "the old Zwicker place" or "the green house" even

though it's owned by "people from the city" and is now painted blue

63) you know the meaning behind "Spring Breakup"

64) family stories revolve around mythical muscle cars

65) anyone has ever laughed when you've enunciated your telephone number ...644

66) you get TFC.

67) you know everyone you graduated with, and half are related to you.

68) you have relatives who are related to you twice.

69) when anyone ever asks if you've been on vacation, you tell them you've

been camping.

70) your car has 60/4 air conditioning: four windows rolled down and you got

to drive 60 miles an hour.

71) when you go to a tree lot for your Christmas tree, you literally go to a

tree lot and cut your own.

72) you hate store-bought jam and pickles because you're accustomed to


73) you've ever used one of the following verbs: boaring, squirreling,

rutsching, gutzing

74) you got into a car for the first time and wondered why it didn't have a

rabbit and a turtle on the gear shift

75) you're jealous of the Springfield kids because they have

more snowdays than you

76) you've ever partied in a hall where there's no running water, just an


77) you remember when New Germany could support two grocery stores AND a

general store

78) going to the drive-in was a great night out, except for those damn


79) you know three spices: salt, pepper, and ketchup

80) you've never gambled at a casino, but you HAVE played all the games of

chance at the local garden parties

81) most of your meals are made up of meat, potatoes and sauerkraut, except

for Saturday night, which is beans night

82) you know the difference between chicken and pig manure with just one


83) you've listened to Swap Shop either to buy something or make fun of the

people selling stuff

84) you go to all weddings and funerals for the sandwiches

85) you refer to people by a nickname like The Cube or Sonic the Hedgehog

86) you get your library books from the Book Mobile

87) you've ever driven a K-car, Crapolier, or the 'Vette

88) you've taken a dip in the river

89) you've outrun the police on a dirtbike or four-wheeler

90) remember when going to Wal-Mart was a great excursion to the city or the valley

91) you and your parents had the same teacher in school

92) most of your clothing has come from the "boutique" or the Daisy

93) your neighbours know more about your personal life than you do

94) it's a tradition to go skating on a pond at night, which is lit up by

burning tires

95) you go around to the piles of trash just before spring or fall clean up

to decorate your living room

96) rising oil prices don't concern you because you heat your house with

wood that you've split and stacked yourself

97) you've ever shot a squirrel, porcupine, or skunk

98) you've ever been to an ox-pull

99) your car stereo and rims are worth more than your car

100) on April 1 you become a fishing widow instead of a sports widow

101) you were a "heathen" because you played cards on Sunday

102) you stole staplers, paper, and dictionaries from school for no

particular reason

103) you either mow a field with your lawn mower, or mow your lawn with a


104) you've earned a bit of money either picking strawberries, blueberries,

or haying

105) you stole peas or beans from your neighbour's garden, then ate them raw

106) you know all the words to "All the gold in Caledonia"

107) you're an entrepreneur because you operate a yard sale every Saturday

and Sunday throughout the summer

108) all your bedding was made by either your mother or grandmother

109) you rented a church hall or the Legion for your wedding reception

110) have more than one satellite dish on your roof

you know you're from New Germany, Nova Scotia when the hicks AND the gangsters wear doe skins!

You know your from New Germany,Nova Scotia when going to school is like going to a family reunion

See new, germany, nova, scotia, from


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