What is New Hope - Solebury High School?


1. a magical place for tree-hugging hippies to express their ideals of peace and true love by inserting 2 (or 3 on holidays) fingers into each other's assholes. after all of the boys do this to every other boy in town (usually around age 11), they put their tiny penises into squirrels, tree holes and other things in nature.

2. a place where gays move to "have a place of their own" and ugly, beastly girls flock by the hundreds.

3. a town and high school for indy bands. 95% of kids start their own shitty band and live the rest of their lives in their parents basement waiting to "make it big"

1. john: yo u want to go to New Hope - Solebury High School, i hear they party hard there

steve: nah man i had to go visit my distant cousin last year...they just sitting in guitar circles and sing about nature and all of their fingers smell like poop

2. john: yo theres a new club opening in new hope u wanna go?

steve: nah man i want to keep my anal virginity and i dont like ugly chicks

3. john: "hi im 36, i live in new hope and ...hold up my moms calling ill be back later"

See fags, hippies, tree-huggers, cherry pie


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