New Order

What is New Order?


They came from the band "Joy Division."

They had good songs from the 80s, but their album "Substance" was da bomb.

Their bast songs include Blue Monday, True Faith, and Bizarre Love Triangle.

New Order is the best band from the 80s. BETTER THAN ALL THAT CULTURE CLUB, OMD , or w/e..


New Order is the best band from the 80s. They have many sweet albums that inclube Substance, Low Life, and Technique (my favorite). NO has way better music than the cRap we see nowadays on MTV. Heck MTV doesn't even play music videos b/c all the music today sucks? Or it just isn't as good as NO. Unfortunately, almost all of the population (USA) hasn't ever heard of New Order, but they have heard of 50 Cent. This makes me want to cry.

-Best songs include:

Bizarre Love Triangle

True Faith

Vanishing Point

Blue Monday

Perfect Kiss

Mr Disco

Sooner than you think

Round & Round

These are some of my favorites.

Person 1: Hey! Wanna go listen to some New Order?

Person 2: Nah, let's go listen to 50 Cent;

we hardcore gangstaz y0

Person 1: /Cries from sadness.


The lead singer of Joy Division, Ian Curtis, committed suicide in 1980. The three remaining members of the band came together, added a keyboardist, and restarted as New Order. Although Joy Division was a dark punk-rock band, New Order eventally broke away from their roots and made some of the greatest, most original dance and rock music from the 80's.

Although they were never that commercially successful, they had dominated many of the dance clubs of the 80s, with hits like Blue Monday (1983), True Faith (1987) and Bizarre Love Triangle (1986).

The band went on a hiatus during the 90s after the release of Republic (1993), but they have come back in recent years. Their 2001 album Get Ready was a return to their guitar based rock roots, and their most recent album Waiting For the Sirens' Call (2005) is considered to be just as great as their albums from the 80's.

Some of the best New Order songs:

Age of Consent



Blue Monday

True Faith

Bizarre Love Triangle


Every Little Counts

Touched By the Hand of God

Vanishing Point



60 Miles An Hour



Hey Now What You Doing


"Why that's some of the best music I've ever heard! What is that?!"

"It's New Order."

"Hmm... never heard of them."

"...Of course not v_v"

See joy division, dance music, depeche mode, synth


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