New Port Nowhere

What is New Port Nowhere?


A city in Florida actually called New Port Richey but was nicknamed as such because nobody else in florida has ever heard of it. People who move here tend to only saty for short periods of time , except for the elderly who tend to stay in the same spot forever. There is very little there from a cultural standpoint and its an hour drive before you can get to any of the good parts of Florida. Also Port Nowhere, a next to it which actually came second and is really the "new"er city. Because of its lack of culture its consists mostly of "Gangsta's" and "Prep's", and is speckled with a few "Individualists" that Swear they are leaving as soon as they can.

"Where do you live?"

"New Port Richey."

"New Port Where?"

"Well New Port Nowhere actually but close enough."

See nowhere, purgatory


A city in Florida actually called New Port Richey but was nicknamed as such because nobody else in florida has ever heard of it. People who move here tend to only saty for short periods of time , except for the elderly who tend to stay in the same spot forever. There is very little there from a cultural standpoint and its an hour drive before you can get to any of the good parts of Florida. Also Port Nowhere, a next to it which actually came second and is really the "new"er city. Because of its lack of culture its consists mostly of "Gangsta's" and "Prep's", and is speckled with a few "Individualists" that Swear they are leaving as soon as they can.

"Where do you live?"

"New Port Richey."

"New Port Where?"

"Well New Port Nowhere actually but close enough."


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