New Testament

What is New Testament?


Second half of the Christian Bible, comprised of 4 accounts of the life of Jesus (Gospels), the historical account of the first apostles (Acts), various letters written by leaders of the early church (Epistles) and the Apocalypse of John (Revelation).

The New Testament was originally written in Greek in the first century A.D. The last book written, The Revelation of St. John was written in 90 A.D.

Today we have many references to the New Testament which are famous:

"root of all evil" (1 Tim 6:10)

"Go the extra mile" (Matthew 5:41)

"Apocalypse" ("Revelation" in Greek)

"Armageddon" (Revelation 16:16)

and countless more...

I read somewhere in the New Testament.


A collection of manuscripts collated by a vote of hundreds of competing pseudoepigraphical writings by conservative bishops living in the Roman Empire under Emperor Constantine at the Council of Nicaea in the fourth century. It contained a primarily Roman-influenced form of Christianity, which first started around 200 BCE in the Greek diasporaand didn't contain references to a human figure until approximately the late second and early third century CE when the birth stories of Krishnaand Dionysos were integrated into a hypothetical manuscript (known as Q) that was later edited into the three Synoptics.

Scholars have rejected the authenticity of any part of the New Testament after years of archaeological research and manuscript studies confirmed that it's placed directly in context of the history as a hybrid of Judaism and the popular Greek mystery religions that existed prior to the religion's evolution. Other than the syncretism, Christianity contained no new elements, copying most of even the names from religions that had already existed for centuries (like Easter, a pagan holiday commemmorating the Babylonian deity Ishtar).

The New Testament is a bunch of recycled bullshit.

See bullshit, atheism, religion, christianity, jesus


The second half of the Bible, containing the Gospel(good news), a large number of letters to lost churches and tribes, some important history, and a prophecy of the apocalypse.

The New Testament is mainly focused on the Gospel, which literally translates into "good news", and basically shows us what God did for us some 2000 years ago by miking his own son a perfect, sentient being who committed no sins, and was killed as the ultimate sacrifice, allowing everone who lets Jesus into his heart through prayer to go to heavenforever and ever and ever.

Now, especially on this website, this section, the Bible, the man whom the New Testament focuses on, and the deity who created it all, are all ridiculed and mocked by those who still have the opportunity to go to heaven, but ignore it and are destined to spend an eternity in hell.

-The greatest, most intelligent move the devil has ever made is making us believe that he doesn't exist...

See Phrigajiblenoghip


Lies. 100% full of lies

Jesus does not exist. They just changed the real thing and replaced it with the New Testament. In the real one, the savior of all mankind is a black woman named Taquisha.

See jesus, god, lies, crap, lol


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