New Trier

What is New Trier?


Ode to New Trier -- A place full of popped collars, Juicy tube tops, and wannabe goths that hang out in the scrounge. Froshies go to a different campus, Lag/Pot makes sense to all of us, and the senior parking lot is full of BMW's and Jeeps that willingly pay $300 for a spot. Kate Spade, Seven jeans, Lacoste will be found no matter where you turn. We win everything, are smarter than you, and look better while doing it. Oh yeah, and Mean Girls was based off New Trier. BEAT THAT BITCHES!!

I love New Trier because I love being better than everyone else...while looking damn good


New Trier is a place unlike anywhere else. Not only do all the girls have kate spade or herve chapelier bags, they have louis vuitton day planners, that rest inside them. If we were to add up the outfit of a typical trevian girl on a "dress down" day, it would cost as much as some people's monthly salaries, probably becasue they needed to spice it up with a few pieces from theri tiffany's jewlery collection. It's also funny how some people think they're ghetto, when in reality they're blasting rap from their $70,000 Range Rover in Kenilworth. It is NOT abnormal to get a Hummer Limo for freshman year Homecoming. Every senior trevian has AT LEAST two friends going to ivy league schools, it's a given. It's definitly a wake up call when you go to college and not everyones daddy works in the sears tower. A rich bitch bubble to say the least.

New Tier kids wear white gowns and white tuxedos to graduation...aka too stuck up for caps and gowns.

See fracker


A place where you won't find too many black people.

George: Hey Paul, do you ever see any black people here at New Trier?

Paul: Nope.

See new trier, black, black people, apple


New Trier is a high school located in Winnetka, Illinois. It has over 4,000 students and is exceedingly wealthy. It cannot be denied that almost all the students are very rich, but the definitions describing the Louis Vuitton dayplanners, etc., are pretty extreme. There probably is someone at New Trier with a Louis Vuitton dayplanner, but that's one person. In essence, almost everyone is rich, but most don't go so far as to use designer dayplanners.

New Trier kids usually get very good test scores, and the usual 3-level class would be pretty accelerated in most other places. The Science Olympiad team has won state for the past six years. Sometimes the real intelligence of students at the school is questioned.

There was an article in Time magazine in the '90s called "High Times At New Trier High." This accurately sums up the drug usage at New Trier. Many students at New Trier are users. Many also drink.

The sports teams are usually quite good, and therefore hard to make. This is discouraging for some, but there are alternatives, like Night League (a basketball organization of New Trier kids that plays on Wednesday nights). Also, this excellence at sports cause other schools to have a hatred for New Trier. However, this is not without cause; some students at the school display a cocky, egotistical attitude.

New Trier student : Go Trevs!

Student from other school : I hate New Trier.

See new trier, high school, sports, drugs, alcohol


It is true, New Trier is located in one of the most affluent suburbs in the famed North Shore of Chicago. Many of the kids are extremely rich, have BMWs, Kate Spades, Tiffanys, expensive clothes, etc, etc. It also cannot be disputed that there is a large population of the school that like to pretend to be ghetto. They drive down the streets of Wilmette in their brand new Jeeps, blasting 50 cent, and flashing non-existent gang symbols. (ironic to say the least) Also at New Trier is a large population of subculture children, not a surprise since there are over 4,000 students. Currently, New Trier is home to many emo kids.

At New Trier, Wilmette (a very rich town, though the least extreme of the township) is considered "ghetto" by a some of the richest kids. Many of the kids that live in Kenilworth or Glencoe are scared of venturing into Evanston after dark, much less Chicago. However, those that do feel extremely cool to be hanging out "down town."

Another trademark of New Trier High School is the students' nauseating sense of pride. As a Trevian, it feels GREAT to be better than everyone else, but when you are "everyone else" it is more than frustrating. New Trier currently has extreme rivalries with Loyala and ETHS, and consistently beats them at everything, further secluding them from the surrounding areas.

One of the more surprising things about New Trier is the drug culture. New Trier has had one of the worst drug problems in the area, with a majority of students admitting to using marijuana regularly. It is not unheard of for a freshman to dabble in cocaine and herion. By sophomore year, most students are nearly alcoholics. This problem is probably fueled by kids having waaaaaay too much money, free time, and parents that are always working. New Trier is trying to fight the drug problem with little success (though the administration claims otherwise).

New Trier: where the grades are high and the kids are higher!

Glencoe kid: Do you live in Wilmette?

Wilmette kid: yeah...

Glencoe kid: OMGZZZ, do you have like drug connections?!

Wilmette kid: no...

Glencoe kid: But aren't you like right next to Evanston

Wilmette kid: so....?

See rich, north shore, high school, wilmette, winnetka


Ok so basically out of all these definitions there are PIECES and i mean PIECES as in parts of the definition that's correct. Yeah, the kids at New Trier typically reside from well-off families, but the dirt rich, burning money just for fun mentality is wrong. People do come from families that hold a certain amount of wealth but it should not be conceived that EVERYONE has SO much endless money. The idea that ALL the kids drive BMWs and hit up Daddys ATM whenever they do so please is not the complete norm for all the kids. A fair portion come from middle class/upper-middle class families, and one should not stereotype the whole entire student body as ridiculously rich. However, on the other hand one should not go as far to say that New Trier flat out sucks at life, since the school is well respected. But if you read all these definitions they were probably written by who else than NEW TRIER KIDS...umm bias much? Yeah, of course they're going to inflate the image and make it sound like some type of fairy land and those who are "less fortunate" should feel honored that these great NT people are taking time out of their busy rich filled day to write a review ON THEIR OWN SCHOOL. See my point? In all honesty, it is not all cracked up as it seems to be, this idea of a complete wealthy no-worry land is semi false and should not be viewed as anything more special as a rich community. On the other hand, what is wealth to you? If you live in say, North Chicago and see poverty day to day and enter into New Trier then yes, these definitions are probably pretty accurate. However, if you live in a well off community from say the New England area, and walk into New Trier you will say it is nothing special and maybe even a little poser-ish since New England pioneered the "prep" idea (and we all know NT is filled with colorful polos are vineyard bags). I say I should be a fairly reliable source given the fact i attended New Trier High School and who else knows the school better than a former student? No one.

North Chi kid: "New Trier? Damn got more money than God"

Exeter prep student :"New Trier? The school in the North Shore? Yeah it's nice, nothing too special though."

See new trier, wealth, preppy, middle class, average


New Trier is a high school in the north suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. Really, it is not that bad. Many people stereotype is as a place where everybody is stuck up, rich, and spoiled. But, the truth is that its only the minority that are like that.

Sure, New Trier is a high school who excels at almost everything. But, its such a big high school that it is packed with groups of kids that are awesome at one specific thing.

New Trier also doesn't follow the traditional cap and gown for graduation. They have to do it big. The graduate at Ryan Stadium, the Northwestern Football stadium, and girls wear white dresses and guys were tuxes.

Overall, New Trier is known nation wide, has won grammys for its music program, and a great place for those who strive to succeed in life.

Girl 1: Do you go to New Trier?

Girl 2: No, I AM NOT STUCK UP!

Girl 1: But, New Trier students aren't stuck up, they're normal people.

See chicago, high school, north shore, nt


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