
What is Newps?


Slang term for newport cigarettes.

Yo P double O, you got them Newps?

See cigarette, newps, newport, nigga, cig


slang for Newport Beach

I'm so glad to be back in Newps

See newport beach, newpsie, orange county, oc, the oc


A pack of Newport Cigarettes. If one is to purchase newport 100's, then they purchase centi-newps, and so on and so forth.

Cashier: What kind of cigarettes would you like?

Customer: I would like one pack of newps please.

Cashier: I'm sorry we only have centi-newps.

Customer: Go die...

See newports, ports, smoking


A highly contagious illness transmitted by contact with people from Newport New Hampshire.

Newps is contracted from spending more than fifteen minutes in close contact with a member of the Newport community/ someone who may drink the water from Newport.


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