What is Newsreader's Trousers?


The type of trousers one wears when walking around one's home wearing nothing but a tee-shirt, are described as newsreader's trousers. This is because some newsreaders, whilst wearing smart jackets and shirts, may have been naked from the waist down whilst appearing behind a television studio newsdesk.

Michael Fish, a once prominent weather presenter on the BBC, was once rumoured to have presented the weather wearing a smart jacket and tie and only a pair of underpants, knowing only his torso was in shot. Michael Fish once eore newsreader's trousers.

See semi, naked, lazy, dresser, television, news, studio


The type of trousers one wears when walking around one's home wearing nothing but a tee-shirt, are described as newsreader's trousers. This is because some newsreaders, whilst wearing smart jackets and shirts, may have been naked from the waist down whilst appearing behind a television studio newsdesk.

Michael Fish, a once prominent weather presenter on the BBC, was once rumoured to have presented the weather wearing a smart jacket and tie and only a pair of underpants, knowing only his torso was in shot. Hence: Michael Fish once wore newsreader's trousers.

See semi, naked, lazy, dresser, television, news, studio


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