
What is Nez?


Another word for "nose".

"Corr, seen the size of his nez!"

See nose, nezz, sonja, pap, scouse


1. Cheese, of a cheese derivation.

2. Someone who lies repeatedly to his friends and says strange things just to be different or pretend he is a man of principle. A nez usually has slow mannerisms, air lats, and enjoys projecting his feelings and faults onto others.

1. Hey, that kind looks real nezzy.

Can you pass me the nachos and nez?

Hey is that cottage nez made from 1% milk?

2. That cat was being so nez yesterday. He told us he was babysitting but really went ice skating with a girl.

See cheese, chief, ginger, lats, dan


(noun)1.a small to medium sized crap or poo 2.a word used to express how much of a loser you are

1.i have to take a nez

2.i feel like such a nez right now

See ryan


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