Nice Guy Syndrome

What is Nice Guy Syndrome?


An exasperating social condition. Archetypically, the sufferer is a straight male with lots of female friends, but who cannot get a date or get laid to save his life. This is because every woman he meets, he befriends, and then when he tries to advance out of the 'friend zone' into 'boyfriend territory', he gets a speech to the effect of "I can't sleep with you, you're such a good friend, I don't want to risk our friendship". Typically, the rejecting female friend will then date/fuck other men who are total douchebags, then bitch and moan about them at length to their platonic male friends. Chances are, most of these platonic male friends are either gay, or straight and secretly furious that that mongoloid cracker homunculus fuck gets to fuck her, when he is clearly inferior in every way.

"I have lots of hot female friends, and none of them like me 'that way'. I have nice guy syndrome and I'm not even all that nice."


It basically describes the nice guy. A guy who will listen to his female friend's every complaint, rant, problem, and experience in life; will help them out no matter to the cost to them; would die for their friends without even thinking; but can never get a girlfriend. All their female friends will continue to go out with mindless, stupid assholes that treat them like shit, and hurt them over and over again, never even considering the nice guy, because of his "normal" physical appearance.

Guy 1: Hey, Joe, why don't you have a girlfriend?

Joe: I really can't - I've got nice guy syndrome."

See nice guy, unrequited, unrequited love


A annoying mental condition in which a heterosexual man concocts over simplified ideas why women aren’t flocking to him in droves. Typically this male will whine and complain about how women never want to date them because he is “too nice” or that he is average in appearance. He often targets a woman who is already in a relationship; misrepresenting his intentions of wanting to be her friend and having the expectation that he is owed more than friendship because he is such a good listener. He is prone to brooding over this and passive aggressive behavior.

He is too stupid to realize the reason women don’t find him attractive is because he feels sorry for himself, he concludes that women like to be treated like shit.

Nice Guy Syndrome is one reason why I don't try to make friends with heterosexual men.

Men who suffer from NGS vary from the angst filled teenager with no date on friday night to the 49 year old man who has never been married or had a meaningful relationship with a woman.

See nice guy, stalker, loser, nice girl, creep


An affliction that usually develops in males during their early twenties, preventing them from getting some. Virgins are particularly susceptible. Common symptoms include:

- nice, friendly personality

- lower than average self-confidence

- frequent high-fives with females

- socially awkward

- perpetually single

- has numerous friends that are girls

- often seen wearing plaids

- hugs women using the A-Frame technique

Dan suffers from nice guy syndrome.

See 40 year old virgin, cockblock, blue balls, penis envy, manwhore


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