Nigga Move

What is Nigga Move?


1) Performing a sly move, typically to make sexual advances.

2) Playing multiple girls at the same time, without any of the others knowing about it.

3) Performing an action of a stereotypical black man i.e. (stealing, cheating, eating fried chicken)

Brian: Hey did you hear what Emmanuel did the other night?

Dan: No man, what happened?

Brian: He pulled the sliest move ever!

Dan: Oh, really? How so?

Brian: Alright so In the morning he got domefrom Stacy, then on his lunch break he fucked Molly, and then fingered Amy in the movie theater that night!

Dan: Now THAT'S what I call a "nigga move"!

See nigga, ninja move, sly, sneaky


Going behind a friends back and screwing him over with a girl u like, a girl you going out with or doing something shitty and keeping it on the low and tells you way after what he/she actually did to you.

Jon made a nigga move on Josh's girl.

Dont be nigga moving on your friends it could cost you your friendship.

See move, sneaky, shitty, friend, nigga


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