What is Nigga Trade?
The trade of
At first, the
Also known as Triangle Trade.
Kevin: there was such thing as
trans-atlantic trade
Jimmy: yeah
Kevin: sweet
Jimmy: that was the nigga trade
Kevin: I like men.
The nigga trade was an 18th century trade between West Niggaland, the various European colonies in the New World, and Europe. Of these, the sea lane west from Niggaland was the notorious Middle Passage; its cargo, abducted or recently purchased niggas.
The trade represented a profitable enterprise for non-niggas. The business was risky, competitive, and severe, but enslaved niggas fetched a high price at auctions, making the trade in niggas a lucrative business.
The first leg of the triangle was from a European port, where supplies such as copper, cloth, trinkets, slave beads, guns and ammunition would be shipped to a port in Niggaland. When the niggae ship arrived, its cargo would be sold in exchange for niggas, who were often tightly-packed like any other cargo to maximize profits. The nigga ship would then make the journey along the Middle Passage to the New World. Once the nigga ship reached the New World, the surviving niggas would be sold for a good profit. The nigga ships were then prepared to get them thoroughly cleaned, drained, and loaded for a return voyage to their home port. From the West Indies the main cargo was sugar, rum, and molasses; from Virginia, it was cigs and reefer. The ship then returned to Europe to complete the nigga trade triangle.