
What is Niggabitch?


Simple way to address someone, preferably those who are NOT black, and are one of your friends. It adds a new flavor to the word nigga.

Whattup niggabitch, let's go roll uptown. Dub.


A person who backs down whenever a tough situation arises.

"Wheres Bill?"

"He ditched out."

"He's such a niggabitch."

See pussy, vagina, coward, dumbass


A woman with a manly appearance, i.e., excessive facial hair, extra broad shoulders, a masculine face, etc.

Yo, yo see that square bitch right there? That heffa looks like Shabba Ranks all up in the face. That's a straight UP niggabitch right there!

See fugly, butterhead, rugged, beastly, busted


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