Nigger Moment

What is Nigger Moment?


A moment in which ignorance overruns the brain causing an outburst of irrational aggression

All was well until little Mohammed had a nigger moment and shot up the place.

See boondocks, nigger, violence, assault


(n.) This is usually caused by at least one or more black people. According to Huey Freeman, a nigger moment can start as something simple, like say, scuffing one's Nike's. This person that gets scuffed has to be black. Now they will start flippin' out and shit. If you are a black man and you scuff their shoes, then you will start flipping out too. You will take out yer gats and start shooting all over the place, thus missing each other.

Eventually, they'll work out an understanding and be cool.... until the cops come by and cap their asses. If you're white and you scuff their shoes, it's ok, cuz yer white. Just walk off. They can't do anything about it.

This can also be started over a Sega Saturn.

This could eb described as....niggeronic...

Kyo - Hey man, Seth and K' are fighting again.

Iori - why?

Kyo - Seth messed up K's Doc Martens...

Iori - oh...."nigger moments"...

See boondocks, nigger moment, niggeronic, nigger


A brief, often accidental, moment in a white person's life where they act like a nigger. This lasts only for a short time, usually no more than a minute or two.

see: wigger moment.

White Guy #1: Dude, this new game is the shizzle, dawg.

White Guy #2: Huh?

White Guy #1: Sorry, nigger moment.

See race, racism, racist, wigger moment, nigger, niggers, wigger


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