Nigger Music

What is Nigger Music?


simply defined as Rap or "scrap music".

she is listening to nigger-music over there. or that 50cent is nigger music.

See booty, hoes, bitches, nigga, guns


Noun (slang, racial slur) Any of various styles of music usually peformed and usually written by afro americans. Includes the following genres: Rap, Hip Hop, Funk, some Jazz, most Rythym & Blues, Black Gospel, and "Urban Contemporary"

Turn that hip hop off, I'm sick and tired of hearing that nigger music blaring


Music written by black people who are pissed off because they never got a good job because they dicked around at school, but they blame white people for their Tom foolery.

Any music that typifies the attitude of black people, and historically that attitude covers clinical depression (blues)

and criminal intent (hip hop)

There are other forms but these are the most prominent

I am sick of listening to hip hop ! That nigger music is sooooooooo 2006 - man this is getting late - pass me the Elbow album I am gonna put that on - and put Kasabian back in its cover then I am gonna take all my eminem and Wu Tang Clan and use it for target practice.

See blues, hip hop, darkies, black man


Nigger Music consists of Hip Hop and Rap, Most "so called" songs are a combination of elements ripped off from songs that were written and preformed by people with REAL talent. The Niggers however "being talentless scum" rip off parts of songs and call it (sampling) ...sounds better than stealing!

After the sampling process is completed, they proceed to "Trash Talk" over the samples they ripped off. To create some urban sounding trash known as Hip Hop or Rap.

The successful Hip Hop or Rap song contains trash talk about the following: Drugs, Pimps, Ho's, Killing, Niggers, hood, home boyz, 9's, foty's, Disrespect to woman, and a host of other ignorant shit that people with any inelegance recognize as total bull shit!

But you must remember, this type of music appeals to the urban jungle bunnies that aspire to be Hip Hop or Rap gangsta's, Because stealing and trash talking are two things most niggers are borne with the ability to do well!

Joe: what is that trash on the radio Tyrone is listing to?

Max: its just "Nigger Music"

See nigger, stupid, hood, gangsta, nigga, dumb


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