What is Nigger Repellent?
Anything to keep niggers away from your shit. Such as mayonnaise is used to keep niggers away from your food.
Put that nigger repellent on your ham sandwich before Leroy gets to it!
pepper spray...used by young white females while a nigger (or group of niggers) try to rape her.
Julie used a WHOLE can of nigger repellent last night after work.
Considering that a large portion of black people do not like cold climates, "nigger repellent" is a direct reference to that of snow.
Black people do not live in Alaska. It must be due to the mass amount of snow (nigger repellent).
An object, concept, idea, or action which drives away a negroid animal.
"Oh look, there is a group of fine african americans stabbing that old lady. Let me grab my nigger repellent and some bullets"
"Silly Bob! Offering a negro a job? Don't you know hard work is nigger repellent?"