What is Niggered The Shit Out Of?


1) to take advantage of, especially to over-consume one's share of something that is available to only a small group of people

2) to rightfully obtain that which does not belong to you

3) to destroy in a drunken stupor or rage; to fuck shit up

4) to get work done in an efficient and timely manner

5) taking one's penis and consensually plummeting it into the female genitalia violently

1) Man, I niggered the shit out of those free doughnuts.

2) I niggered the shit out of his grill, right off his front lawn.

3) I niggered the shit out of his yard and mailbox last night.

4) We niggered the shit out of house cleaning just in time for the 'hos to come over tonight.

5) I just niggered the shit out of her in the back of her daddy's new car, and she liked it.

See steal, pilfer, glut, tithe, donate, bill gates, nigra


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