
What is Nigger-lip?


When someone smokes out of a cigarette, cigar, blunt, pipe, ect. and leaves the mouth peice wet with saliva. Usually a new smoker or just an idiot.

"You dumb fuck, you nigger-liped it. You always do. You fuck."


When someone smokes a cigar or cigarette and leaves the tip saliva-soaked.

I let Bob take a hit of my Cuban, and he nigger-lipped... ass-hole...


1.)to smoke from one's cigar,blunt, pipe, or cigarette and leave wet with saliva

2.)to leave saliva all over something you just put your lips over for example a soda, a glass ,or a cup

3.)anyone of any race with big ass lips except GOOKS(chinese mo-fo's)

"Jay-Z has got some nigger-lips oh well then again he is a nigger"

"That guy just nigger-lipped my cigar"


When someone wraps their lips around your drink and lips the entire bottle of pop, water, gin and juice, etc.

Dude! You just nigger-lipped my damn juice, yo!

Man, you said I could have a swig, what up wit dat, yo!

Yo, I am gonna bust a cap in yo ass, yo!

See negro, nigga, nigger, lips, mouth, yo


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