
What is Nignauguration?


1. The formal induction of a Black man (Ahem, Barack Obama) into office.

2. An act or ceremony of nignaugurating. (I.E. house party)

3. A method that finally keeps Blacks from whining about biases and/or discrimination.

"Dude, are you going to watch Obama's nignauguration on Tuesday, January 20, 2009?"

"I bet MLK, the King of Negro Americans, is similing from heaven as the nignauguration of Barack Obama is held the day after his birthday!"

"Aw fuck, Obama's nignauguration is being held tomorrow!? I need to find my lost ancestry so I can move back to my European roots."

See nignog, barack, obama, nigger, african american, black, nigga, tupac, watermelon, fried chicken, purple drank, kool aid


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