What is Nihilanthic?
Ass-bite. Uses IRC to find a meaning in life, yet can't find his own dick from a pencil.
What is the meaning of Nihilanthic
Low self-esteem and anger towards oneself, usually expressed in the form of long, single line monolouge. Meant to annoy others to the point of violent retribution
Only a psychiatrist will listen to a Nihilanthic like you.
N. A species native to North Carolina known for bitching endlessly and talking about martial arts among people who don't care.
"I wish that stupid Nihilanthic would go outside and get hit by a car."
Can be referred to as an IRC Wraith. Goes chat to chat sucking the fun and goodness out of a great chat and making it horrible and lame and unbearably shitty in his presence. The cure is to remove the wraith from the room. Symptoms should clear up shortly.
"Why's this chat so shitty?" "..Oh god, nihilanthic's here."
V. To orgasm on demand
Wow, I didn't know you can Nihilanthic whenever you want