
What is Nipfro?


Nipfro - a BIG frizzy ball of hair around one's nipples.

Example One

Guy1: I almost choke on my Wife's hairy tits last night!

Guy2: Dang! She must have some serious nipfros!

Example 2

Guy1: Hey! I saw a girl at the strip club last night that had some hairy tits!

Guy2: That's Candy Cane.

Guy1: What ever her name is she needs to wax those nipfros!

See hairy, chewbacka, afro, furry, sasquatch, gag, choke


Nipfro - a BIG frizzy ball of hair around one's nipples.

Example One

Guy 1: I almost choked on my Wife's hairy tits last night!

Guy 2: Dang! She must have some serious nipfros!

Example 2

Guy1: Hey! I saw a girl at the strip club last night that had some hairy tits!

Guy2: That's Candy Cane.

Guy1: What ever her name is she needs to wax those nipfros!

See hairy, chewbacka, afro, furry, sasquatch, gag, choke


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