
What is N,n-dmt?


N,N-DMT is a shortenend name of N,N-dimethyltryptamine. Most commonly named *DMT*, it is a psychedelic tryptamine that makes a very intense trip. N,N-DMT is produced natrually by the brain and is thought to be produced by the pineal gland (which is also the body's biological clock) which is located ner the center of the brain, N,N-DMT is released when you die. The methods of intake are:

Smoking: Onset comes around 15 - 30 seconds, the smoke tastes like burning plastic.

Oral: N,N-DMT is only psychoactive orally when taken with a MAOI (Monoamine oxidase inhibiter).

Snorting: Same as smoking it, only effects last longer and are milder.

Injection: Mostly the same as smoking.

DMT is scheduled is most countries.

N,N-DMT is a very psychedelic experience.

See dmt, drugs, psychedelic, natural, tripping balls


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