No Offence

What is No Offence?


An excuse to insult someone. Anyone who uses this word is a tool.

"No offense, but you're a fucking chink honky dyke skank turdburglar nancy."

"None taken"


What one says after realising one has said a slightly racist, sexist, homophobic or other comment in front of a person of the supposedly offended social group. The person will typically reply with "None taken"

A: That nigger's an idiot!

B: *looks round*

A: No offence

B: None taken.

See Gumba Gumba


1. A phrase said in embarrassment after accidentally insulting someone.

2. A phrase used to crudely draw attention yourself, and the fact that you're about to say something offensive.

Say "No offence, but..." -

and everyone within earshot will have paused to hear the outrageous insulting gobshite you're about to come out with.

A: "No offence, bu-"


See tiggly


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