No Shave November

What is No Shave November?


The month of November in which you don't shave any hair of your body but instead you grow more bestial, brutish, and manly.

The months of December, January, February, and so on follow and may also be included in this celebration of masculinity.

December = ("Don't Shave December")

January = ("Just Don't Shave January")

February = ("Forget to Shave February")

March = ("Masculine March")

April = ("Atrocious April")

May = ("Manly May")

My buddies and I all participated in No Shave November to raise awareness for the important and educational month of November. It is now a recognized national month that identifies the worth and meaning of celebrating masculinity.

See shave, november, masculinity, manliness, hair, chicago, illinois


Synonymous with No Sex November. Men participate in this "manly month" to prove... something... no one's really figured out what yet. Unfortunately, participation in No Shave November also grants you full access to the synonymous month.

I'm not getting laid Billy, it's No Shave November, remember?

See shave, bushy, beard, scraggle, scruff


It is when you don't shave throughout the month of November to help push a non-profit organization or cause.

For November 2008, I am participating in No Shave November for the Save Darfur cause.

See no, shave, november, cause, darfur, hair


A great trend that was ruined by Doug Dremluk

Doug: "Everybody join in on No Shave November"

Everyone else: "I would, but you're an annoying prep school hockey player, so no"

See doug, no, shave, november, pomfret


To not shave the whole month of November

Dude, are you going to participate in no shave November

See shave, razor, cream, shaving, ballin


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