No Shit

What is No Shit?


Used to express contemptuous acknowledgment of the obvious.

Person 1: Saddam Hussein's fuckin dead

Person 2: No shit


A witty but slightly over-used comeback when someone states the obvious. Works well when someone is making fun of themselves to be funny. Responding with "No shit" makes them feel appropriatly stupid.

Dude 1 - "Haha I'm such a sped!"

Dude 2 - "No shit."

*Dude 1 tries to think of a comeback*

Dude 1 - "...So, how 'bout them Red Sox?"


Expression said to people who state the obvious.

No shit, Captain Obvious!


1. An expression used to state the obvious.

2. Not owning or possesing something.

Man: *Cough *Cough *Cough

Woman: Sounds like you got a nasty cough!

Man: Yeah? No Shit!

Man 1: I need money!

Man 2: I have no shit on me.

See no duh, obvious, duh, blatant


To affirm as in "no really?" but in a sarcastic, slightly insulting way.

No shit, sherlock.

See smaq


Ejaculative exclamation (NO SHIT !!) used to affirm the assertion that what was just told is the absolute fucking truth even though it totally sounds like utter bullshit.

REN: "Oh no! I'm completely out of shit. NO SHIT !!"


REN: "Shit no !! (I wouldn't shit my favorite turd.)"

See toilet, septic tank, outhouse, roto-rooter



Stating the obvious

Girl: We got our hair done!

Other Girl: No shit!

See no, shit, crap, obviously


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