What is Nocky?
A being with a well endowed forhead,
Owner of:
- A mother whom profits from her fem-hole
- A brother whose neck's girth is equivilent to that of his head
- A father who partakes in the sexual act of
- A brain which manefests the thought process of paedophillia being widely accepted and partakes in said sexually events, badly
- A musically retarded anatomy
- An unsocialble dialect
- A pair of briefs
- A tight pair of camo's
- Immasculine physique
- An asexual thought process
- One fleshy patch where genitals should belong
- An outstanding odour
- A face which ruins ones day, month or year
1) That dude's such a nocky
2) Agggggghhhhhh Nocky
3) Nocky ... is a vagina