
What is Nod?


v. to doze off when high on opiates.

Your neck goes limp and your head just kinda slumps down on your shoulder and it seems like you just blinked for a really long time, when you come to.

Johnny was nodding hard after he took four Oxy.

See Nilla


The Brotherhood of Nod is a global freedom group focused on equality and humanity for all. Headed by Kane.

Nod focuses on the destruction of the totalitarian GDI.


Night of Decadence, Halloween party at Wiess College celebrating Sparky the Hooter and long noted for its high alcohol content.

Remember the Caligula-themed NoD where a 10-foot Sparky was plunged into Muffy the Volcano?

See rice, halloween


Another way of saying 'Yes' but as if it is an action. Originally from the online RPG "Majormud" as an action it translated into a normal word meaning "Yes, Sure & Absolutely"

Carl: "So did you go to the bus stop today Jenny?"

Jenny: "Nod"


NOD, aka Brotherhood of NOD, is a terrorist army in Tiberium-based computer games, which specializes mainly in the -illegal- usage of tiberium for their purposes. Led by Kane (well, most of the time), they fight against GDI. Altough they're most often considered the "Bad Guys", they have many sympathicants as well.

Peace through Power! (NOD saying)

See kane, tiberium, gdi, n.o.d


being extremely high on any drug (for example: Heroin, Marijuana, etc.). When you are this high, your head slumps down. Therefore you've got nods.

I took the fattest hit man, I'm nodding hard.

See i, am, nodding, hard, dude


the Nod consists of a up and down motion, this motion is shared mainly by minority groups, or those seeking to be included in a minority group. Since that group, which is smaller then the greater ethnicity is in need of "coolness" and acceptance saying a greeting such as "hello" is not acceptable, instead the member of the group motions his head downwards, and the other upwards, to acknowledge their exsistance in the culture. Included in the 'nod' can also be a quick "eh" or "hows it goin", anymore communication then that is unacceptable due to the lack of relationship between the two members.

Guy 1: *nod*, "Sup"

Guy 2: *nod*, "eh, hows it going"

See nod, sup, gangster, lazy, hey


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