Noise Bot

What is Noise Bot?


A new set of ads that seems to be replacing busted tees' adds on Urban Dictionary. Sad, because I loved BT's ads.

Dude see that UGLY girl on the right with the UNFUNNY shirt? yeah that's noise bot's new ad...

See noise, bot, urban, dictionary, better, ugly, girl, stupid, shirt


The new, shitty ads on Urban Dictionary.

Busted Teeswas annoying enough, but the Noise Bot chicks aren't hot and the shirts aren't funny.

See stupid, ads, ud, shitty, shirt


A newfag set of advertisements which present cliche T-shirts on slangdefine. Notice how the text on most of the shirts' models are barely legal, therefore boosting sales.

Noise bot, if you want sales, take pictures of the actual shirts, don't just take a picture of a teenage girl wearing a green shirt-- then using paint to put text over the picture of your product.

See not funny, ad, urban, dictionary, asshole


Those stupid ads to the right on UD. The girls are mega ugly. Especially the one with the green shirt and the giant fat ears that stick out. And their shirts are lame as hell.

That chick over there is ugly as hell. Noise Bot's shirts suck.

See shirts, noise, bot, gay, ugly, stupid, Lynnster


a set of adds on slangdefine that feature hott chicks with too much clothes on

Damn it will the noise bot chick take off her shirt!

See make, sex, not, war, asshole, 76ers


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