What is Noncewatch?
An online UK campaign, designed with the aim of encouraging indescriminate harassment of sex offenders and anyone seen by the ignorant as pandering to or vaguely representing them.
Redwatch, it's mother site operates in exactly the same way, but it's aiding of violence and intimidation is directed towards the political left.
Red/Noncewatch operates outside of UK law, mainly against those who act within it. If it's not anyone's buisness, watch out; they'll make it their own.
Think twice about having sex with consenting 15 year old boys, or speaking out for those who do. After the hell of prison, your photo may very well be published by Noncewatch and viewed by thousands of slapheaded savages.
Noncewatch is a website that promotes and incites terrorism.
Part of the redwatch site.Lists of those convicted for sex offences against children.A good idea to right thinking people.Loathed by those with an agenda.
Use the noncewatch resource to see if any nonces are in your area.