
What is Non-conformist?


A non-conformist is somebody whos stands up for what they believe despite what anyone thinks. They can buy what a conformist does not because its in and everyone has but just because they like it. They do things for themselves and not to be excepted by society despite being ridiculed for not having Air Force Ones unless they like them. There isn't a store in the mall called the non-conformist store where people go to be different. Non-conformity is all about doing what you want and not listening to others opinions.

Non-Conformist-I just bought the nicest Air-Forces not because everyone has them but because he likes them

Wanna Be Non Conformist-Ew you're such a conformist everyone has those shoes, I made my own shoes because noone has them you're such a follower.

Non-Conformist-If I like them isn't that all that matters, I mean isn't that what being a non-cofformist is all about doing what you wanna do? If I listen to you and don't buy them won't I be conforming to what your idea of a non-conformist is?


See independent, real people


Anybody who doesn't give a shit about what other people think or want to pressure them to do. Getting a lip ring and having a cigarette in your hand does not make you a non conformist.

Preps can also be non conformists because they don't give a shit what other people think, they will live their life and they don't care who tries to make fun of them.

If you give that a thumb down just because you think ohh preps are conformists, well then sorry to say you are a conformist! lol

south park

conformist: this coffee is so good

stan: i don't like coffee

conformist: psh you cant be a non-conformist if you don't drink coffee!

See seag


a conformist, generally claims to not follow the crowd but in reality is just following a different crowd/using another label.

all you non-conformists are all alike.

see goth, emo, chav, punk, skater, townie, ghetto, grunge, prep, kev

See goth, emo, chav, conformist, punk


Anyone who is not swayed by public opinion. They could be the nerdy kids who go to the downtown library or a the religious kid or anyone.

Ironically, there is a sub-set of conformism where people will start wearing all black, get a couple piercings, and start listening to goth music while telling people they are "non-conformists." These people are really, really annoying.

He started listening to Voltaire, he thinks he's such a non-conformist,but he's just following a different crowd.

See sheeple, poser, rebel, nonconformist, goth, punk


There are two defintions of 'non-comformist':

1. A bigot who decides since everyone else like '______' that hey'll be different and hate it. See wannabe non-conformist.

2. A person who doesn't care what anyone else thinks and like what they choose to like, popular or not popular.

Both defintions are considered a weirdo.

1. Everyones wearing watches. I hate watches now.

2. I like watches! In fact, I wear three!


One who doesn't conform to modern social views. In Western society this would mean listening to whatever you want, wearing whatever you want, etc. regardless of the views of any social group.

It is important to note that those who listen to emo music and wear stereotypically emo clothes, for example, are not non-conformists; they are just brainless prats. They don't actually want to listen to the music that they do, they simply do it in order to fit into a social group (conforming).

There is no non-conformist group; non-conformist refers to an individual. As such, any group of people that say they are non-conformists (for example, goths, emos, punks etc.) aren't actually non-conformist. They are just brainless prats, as described above.

See conformist, intelligent, different, society, gammon


Contrary to popular belief non-conformists are NOT "emo" "goth" "punks" or "rebels" they are people who do things because they LIKE them not because they're popular. Also in a way everyone seems to conform whether to a religion, to a language or to just be human. Like for example, if all people eat a hypocritical non-conformist would be upset and not eat at all...or they would eat and completely destroy their version of non-comformity. See how complicated this topic is? Basically as I said before non-conformists are individuals who act like THEMSELVES and do not succomb to fads just because everyone else likes them.

Non-conformist: Hey dude I just got a pair of converses!

Hypocritical non-conformist: Dude you can't wear those anymore, EVERYONE has them.

Non-conformist: ...

See non conformist, individual, human, unique


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