
What is Noobcake?


From new (with b as in freebie).] + (keyk) = "noobcake"


--breaking down the definitions--

NOOB: a newcomer or novice, esp. an inexperienced user of the Internet or of computers in general.

CAKE: a sweet, baked, breadlike food, made with or without shortening, and usually containing flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, eggs, and liquid flavoring.

EXPLAINATION: although the definition of a "noob" and a "noobcake" (when referring to a person) are virtually the same, the use of "cake" on the end of "noob" reinforces the absurdity of the individual's "newbieness".


"Damn, that guy is a real noobcake."


"Jonathan is the biggest noobcake I have ever met."

See noob, cake, noobsauce, omgwtfbbq


the act of being a noob, except adding "cake" for a more humorous effect (coined by M.R.Gann)(requires you to wear a silly hat proclaiming your noobcakedness) (one step below a noobtard)

dude, you are such a noobcake.

See newbie, nubcake


The guy who wrote the definition starting with "A person whom is a newbie." It should be "who," not "whom." Whom is objective case; you needed to use subjective case.

im awsome, im guna use 'whom' 2 suond smart evin tho i dont no how 2 use it rite lol im a noobcake.

See newbie, noob, n00b, grammar, who, whom, nub


A person whom is a newbie. Often used in combination: newbie; slut monkey; noobfuck.

Shut your face, you damned noobcake son-of-a-bitch!


From new (with b as in freebie) + (keyk) = "noobcake"


--breaking down the definitions--

NOOB: a newcomer or novice, esp. an inexperienced user of the Internetor of computersin general.

CAKE: a sweet, baked, breadlike food, made with or without shortening, and usually containing flour, sugar, baking powder or soda, eggs, and liquid flavoring.

EXPLAINATION: although the definition of a "noob" and a "noobcake" (when referring to a person) are virtually the same, the use of " cake" on the end of "noob" reinforces the absurdity of the individual's "newbieness".


"Damn, that guy is a real noobcake."


"Jonathan is the biggest noobcake I have ever met."

See noob, cake, noobsauce


A general term to express a noob. If you turned fourteen in February, you are then considered a noob"cake".

Hey kevin! Your an official noobcake now! Congratulations!

See kevin, noob, cake, fruitcake, noober


when there's a clusterfuckor gathering of noobcakes around one area being idiots an online shooter game...

dude a noobcake!! let's shoot it up for some easy points!!! I got the left side, u take the right.

See noob, loser, gathering, noobfuck, clusterfuck


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