
What is Noobish?


A crude dialect that noobs speak in; often involves insults, the number one thousand, three hundred thirty-seven typed multiple times. Also involves "L" and "O" typed in rapid sucession. numbers are also common in words. You can type some basic noobish by bashing your head against a keyboard several times, and misspelling words.

L3ik, OMG! YOU R SEW RETARDED! LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLLOLOLOLO 13371337133713371337 drtrfgyiuuiyt 6rt54fewrtftyy7uty 65rtererttrerqwtrfyt+! lolololol, U R AN 1D10+!!!!!lololololo


a variant of the hacker language 1337 speak

stFU //an, i r teh r00rz liek emin3m, u cna go tO EHLL OR ATLE4St help m3 wit hthIS!!111!!!!!!!1~~1!!``!! LOLLOLOLLOLOLlOoLLOlollLLl u n00b


1. word to describe something stupid and amatuerish on the web or computer game.

2. behaviour of a noob.

"That webpage was so noobish."

He had very noobish tactics at WoW.

See n00bish, noob, n00b, nerdy, nerd, pwn


Otherwise spelled as n00bish or n0031sh.

A dork who spells words in a vary creative and a hard to understand way on the internet.

An example of a noobs writing:

"lol m1 p3||1s st1cs up w3|| 1 c a g1r|_"

Damn it!I hate these retarted-ass noobs and thare noobish!I cant understand a thing thay say!

See noob, noobish, n00bish, n00b, dork


Writing with letters and numbers together.

U g0tt4 b3l1v3 //3 d4M//1t,1 4// t3h b0//B 4||d 1

4// 83tt3R tn3 u!!!0h y34 1// 4ls0 /3ry noobish

See noobs, noob, spammer, noobish, spam


another word for noob,

actually the same as noob, or n00b.

That guy is so noobisch


An adjective for most players in a ReconGamer server.

Those pubs that play the same map 24/7 always have idiots in there. They are all so noobish.


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