
What is Noobitis?


A disease that can spread by touch, look, or even through verbal masturbation.

Unsure if you have this disease? Do you have any of these symptoms?

-failing life at all times

-your friends don't call you anymore

-your parents don't call you anymore

-your grandma doesn't call you anymore

-you just canceled your phone service due to inactivity

-you like clay aiken

-you have sweatus majoritis

-you're a priest and someone dies in your party

These are only a few of the symptoms. If you have any of these symptoms, please cry in the corner so you don't bother others, or seek psychiatric attention.

Hector, I understand that you have noobitis, but could you please stop fucking up in life?

See noob, newb, n00b, disease, n00bitis, nub, nubitis


a disease usally contracted by people who do not have the attesion span to compeditave an any sort of game

omg that guy maneged to throw a plasma grenade and stick himself with it completely by accident he must hav freakin noobitis

See noob, nooby, disease, chuck norris, lol, lolephant


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