
What is Nooblet?


1. A young noob

2. People that are more immature than the average noobs.

3. An extreme noob

Only a nooblet like you could've done that!

See PB


like a noob, only is usually alot younger and thus a lot more ignorant to obvious facts. they usually follow you around, and click trade with you about 10 times. when you allow the trade, they either put nothing up, hoping for free things, or they put something totally usless up and ask for an insane ammount of money for it.

nooblet: trade! trade!

pot head370: fine what

(trade window opens)

pot head370:..........what????

nooblet: give me something for free, im new so i deserve free stuff

pot head370 declines trade

~or senario number two~

(nooblet puts up empty pot and bucket of water into trade window)

pot head370: what the fuck am i suppost to do with that?

nooblet: give me 5k for it, its rare

See noob, n33b, pwned, owned


The n00blet is the baby of the n00b. Just like the piglet is the baby of the pig. The word describes a n00b who is worse and younger than the average n00bs.

Man you're such a n00b! But if it can help you feel better, my 8 years old brother is a nooblet.

See n00blet, newblet, nooblet, noob


An annoying kid on an online game that sounds like a 5 year old. nooblets love to use the phrase "work together" or "come on guys." they are annoying as hell and suck ass at video games and should be destroyed.

Me: Oh look, a nooblet.

Nooblet: Come on guys, work together! We can do this!

Me: Shut the fuck up you fucking nooblet!

Nooblet: I dont wanna!

See super noob, noob, noobie, new


a nooblet is even more noobish than a noob; a nooblet usually has no idea what is going on, even if you are do something incredibly simple.

"how do you play checkers, miles?"

"you are a fucking stupid nooblet, dumbass"

See noob, knob, nub, newb, noobwich, cogan


1. A young noob.

2. Even worse than a normal noob, completly unexperienced.

3. An expeirenced person (usually a really high level) that acts like a huge noob all the time.

Definition 3:

Icewater78:"Dude u just stole my kill and ur liek lvl 90."

Blood_Omega2:"So whats."

Icewater78:"Dude ur a freakin nooblet"

Blood_Omega2:"Harsh man, harsh"

See kill stealer, noob, cheap, newbie


A young noob

Stupid person

The nooblet is a dumbass.

See noob, n00b, noobie, noobsauce, nub, Gay Ass


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