
What is Noobtastic?


When something is highly used by a gamer of lesser skill, because it makes them seem better. Normally a rocket launcher or large machine gun will be praised by these said players, which are called noobs,

and so, noobtastic.

The chainsaw action in Gears of War is noobtastic.

The auto-shotgun in Counterstrike is noobtastic.

The rocket launcher in Halo 2 is noobtastic.

See noob tube, noob, n00b, noobtastic, noobism


when someone does something that only a noob would do.

"Man, the way he ran into the open when i had a sniper, that was noobtastic!"

See noob, pwn, own, pro, pwn3d


A word used to describe an internet user who has no grammar skills, or typing skills, or spelling skills, or pretty much any skills at all. Besides being annoying, that is.

SSS: Hello, what's up?

EZ: lol wtf u usn spech fr?

SSS: *Sigh* Just noobtastic, completely noobtastic.

See noob, noobism, noobalicious, nub


An action that involves being a noob. Often results in a bad outcome. People will most likely be in shock because the action was so noob.

"I can't believe it! Kyle did the most noobtastic thing today. yeah, he is dead now."

See noob, noobish, nub, nubular, nubish


In any chat room, or public area of veteran members, Noobs overload the room/area and destroy things.

"My this room is Noobtastic today"

See noob, owned, lol, room, chat, win


Ususally used in online multiplayer games, when a 'noob' uses a power weapon or vehicle to kill 3 or more people.

Noob: "omfg wooT!!11 killtacular!"


Noob goes off and cries in a corner


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