
What is Noosphere?



From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

The noosphere can be seen as the "sphere of human thought" being derived from the Greek 'nous' meaning 'mind' in the style of 'atmosphere' and 'biosphere'. Just as the biosphere is composed of all the organisms on Earth and their interactions, the noosphere is composed of all the interacting minds and memes on Earth. The word is also sometimes used to refer to a transhuman consciousness arising from all these interactions - which those who have read Teilhard de Chardin sometimes refer to as the Omega Point, and consider the goal of history.

History of this expression:

E. LeRoy's Les origines humaines et l'evolution de l'intelligence (1928)

Vladimir I. Vernadsky (1863-1945)

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin (1881-1955)

Homesteading the Noosphere

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

"Homesteading the Noosphere", an essay written by Eric S. Raymond about the social workings of Open Source software development, follows up on his influential "The Cathedral and the Bazaar". The essay primarily concerns issues of project ownership and transfer.


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