
What is Nordic?


Generally speaking, anybody of Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish (arguably) and Icelandic descent, but quite a few people from other northern European countries (including Latvia, Germany and some people in the UK) would consider themselves Nordics too. Nordics are stereotyped as having blond hair and blue eyes, and this is not too far from the truth. Another typical trait is their cheekbones or face shape. For some it is often seen as the same sort of idea as the Aryan race, and there are some neo-Nazi groups who are more specifically based on the idea of Nordic superiority.

Nordic women are quite often very attractive.

"Cor, yeah, that's a proper Nordic."


The race with the most attractive women, currently estimated to be fully extinctby the year 2200.

Race mixing is a sureshot way to eliminate the Nordics.


Blonde hair and blue eyed people from northern european countries, decendants from the vikings and usually the biggest strongest men on the planet. Watch worlds strongest man if you don't believe me. Nordic women are usually found more attractive by most caucasion males, although they seem to be targeted by black males who want coffee coloured babies, kind of a trophy thing. The blue eyed blonde hair is set for extiction by the year 2200 sad but true.

"OMG look at the size of those nordic blonde dudes, they are like 6,8" amd weigh at least 400 lbs"

See blonde, caucasion, viking, strong man, aryan


A...genre...of people. The rarest species of humans predicted to be extinct in 200 years. They originate from the cold icelands of scandinavia and northern europe yet are the least hairiest. Characterised by blonde hair and blue/green eyes. Tend to be tall in stature. Nordic women are the most attractive in the world. this is scienntifically proven. Their bloodlines are traced back to the viking warriors who were the most feared in the known world.

"im nordic. im rare. take that you bleach blonde wannabes"

See scandinavia, lars, norway, denmark


An awesome type of skiing that actually requires skill (unlike alpine). Includes classic and skate technique.


"Man, I am so wiped cos of Nordic practice! we did weight training today."

"Oh that sucks. Alpine team just sat on their butts and played duckduckgoose."


A type of skiing that requires alot of effort. Usually only talented people do this sport.

Humberview has the best nordic team in all of Peel, even better then mayfield.


Some mistake Finns to be a Scandinavian people. Finns may be included in the defenition "NORDIC". They have mostly blond hair and darkblue eyes. Finns are the most inbred people in the world and the least attractive to look at of the nordic peoples. Finns also happen to be the blondest/"fairest&qu ot; people on teh face of the earth, according to WHO's study 2006. The writer of this entry is a Finnish citizen.

'Finnish' language is not 'Indoeurpean' language like the 'Scandinavian' languages are. Scandinavia languages belong to the 'Germanic' subgroup of Indoeuropean languages. Thus Finnish can be defined as a 'Nordic' maynly because they are 'blond'.

See scandinavian, finnish, blond


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