
What is Norflefork?




1. One who is uneducated and/or inadequate. (much like how a fork is inadequate compared to a spork)

2. An artist who takes an independent stand apart from his or her associates. (first used to express how their brain was inadequate, then after use, it's meaning changed)

Boy 1: That kid has a Wal-Mart Watch!

Boy 2: Haha! Mine's swiss!

Boy 1: Mine to, man, that kid is such a norflefork!

Artist1: That guy uses neon paint instead of pastel like the rest of us!

Artist2: Yeah, he's an idiotic freak!

Artist1: No he isn't, he's a norflefork!

See maverick, idiotic, freak, creative, artist, watch, uneducated, inadequate, spork, fork, spoon


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