
What is Normal?


a statistic based upon a majority


A word made up by this corrupt society so they could single out and attack those who are different

Normal is nothing but a word made up by society

See conformists, in crowd, Bill


1. An idealistic state of being that remains as such. Because the idea of such a state varies from being to being and any set standard is nonetheless someone elses idea of what it is this condition warrants satisfactory confirmation of being amongst the confirmed members of such class, by the individuals code.

2. Normal is about as concrete as the idea of "love". The meaning is constantly evolved to suit the momentary desires and/or needs of a single person, or group of people.

3. A tool of conformity.

Normal people never think for themselves, they play follow the leader their entire lives and freak out when confronted with any situation they were not trained to deal with.


There is no such thing as normal so there really cant be a definition......

no one or no thing is Normal....normal doesnt exist

See blah


One who masturbates a lot.

You are not normal. You are normal.


Small fluffy farm-yard animal, otherwise known as a sheep. They look down upon anyone who refuses to conform to the masses.

townie scum are normal


1 : a state of being

2 : highly over-rated

3 : being excruciatingly boring

synonyms : plain, boring, ordinary, average, typical.

antonyms : elaborate, interesting, unusual, abnormal, unexpected.

Normal person, "lets do something."

Abnormal person, "k, like what?"

Normal person, "lets go see the new documentry on t.v."

Abnormal person, "Right..."


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