
What is Normality?


A variety of mental illness typified by symptoms such as an incapacity to differentiate oneself from others, an obsession with the maintenance of meaningless rituals provided these are also prevalent among others, and a pathological gullibility towards claims made by others with the same condition.

Sufferers often experience acute delusions, such as the belief that the present global system functions effectively.

People suffering from Normality can be extremely dangerous in large numbers, since they often maintain that only their own interests and needs, and not those of other psychological groups, are relevant in determining social policy.

Normality is currently incurable, although some evidence suggests that MMR vaccine offers a potential cure.

Unfortunately, the majority of psychologists and psychiatrists are among those suffering from this disorder.

See Andy


The ability to act normal as a living organism in the environment in which you habitat and live in.

To be able to act ordinary or similar as your surroundings

To not be strange or irregular: SIMILAR

Michael Jackson has a slim level of NORMALITY in the world.

See normality, normal, ability, similar, michael jackson, strange


to have things be normal again or average.

we want our country to regain a since of normality and stop interfering with other countries unless absolutly nessesary

See normality, normalcy, norm, normal


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