North Face

What is North Face?


1) A well-known brand of very high quality outdoor gear, especially jackets, backpacks, and tents.

2) A brand-name that has regrettably been appropriated by thugs and yuppies alike as a way of either projecting an image of wealth or interest in rugged activities and the great outdoors.

I was talking to this guy at the trailhead, and noticed that even though his North Face pack had to be a good 15-20 years old and faded from the sun, it wasn't ripped and all the seams were still solid! I hope my Gore-tex jacket lasts that long.


the status symbol of suburban teens. commonly worn by females with ugg boots and sweat pants. though they claim "it's comfortable" common male side effects include: hyphema, eye herpes, glaucoma, corneal abrasion, and projectile vomiting.

Staci's mom got her a North Face and Ugg boots so she would fit in with her friends and always be a virgin.

See status symbol, ugg, ugly, preppy


1. outdoors company which sells apparel, shoes, and equipment

2. product lately worn by teens and young adults as a status symbol alongside ugg boots and skinny jeans

Hiker: We have the same North Face fleece! So I take it you like hiking as well?

Teenager: Um, no, wait hold on someone is calling me on my BlackBerry.

See patagonia, yuppies, hiking, mountain


1) noun: the state of having an unusually voluminous amount of semen on the face similarly to the amount ejaculated by the great Peter North.

"Brittney Spears kept her face warm in the winter with a nice North Face."

See semen, pearl necklace, cum, sperm, phantom, facial


Insulated jackets for winter sports

Come in all colors but usually black

cost around $300

have numbers on fore arm - Higher the number, more feathers

The jackets have become popular among teenagers because:

1) They are fucking comfy

2)they keep you warm

3)they show you have money

4) CAN show affiliations w/ local crews

"yo, where'd you get that North Face?"

See 550, north, face, the, black, puffy, goose, nammer


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