
What is Northern?


In the United Kingdom, North of Birmingham. It's where the greatest people on Earth live.

Great northern people include Geoffrey Boycott, Sean Bean.

Great northern cities include Sheffield, Leeds, Sunderland, Manchester and Liverpool.

Great inventions in the north include Trains, TV's, Banapkins and Pie.

It is a well established fact that the north finished on the winning side of every war ever fought, including the alamoand Pearl Harbour.

The tell tales signs that you're in the north are gravy, bitter, violence, streets paved with gold and battered housewives.

Ooh Daddy, please can we move up to Sunderland, so at least my kids have a chance of being Northern!

See great, city, town, pie, violence, quiche


An adjective to describe something alien to you and your current state of mind.

"Happy birthday mum! Here's a fax machine!"

"Oh dear... it must be northern."


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