
What is Norwich?


I went to Norwich a few months ago and I'm telling you the girls round there were gorgeous! Think it must be because its the biggest place for miles around and attracts all of East Anglia's stunners. Just a shame that it is such a pain to get to. Can drive to Leeds in the time it takes to get to Norwich from London.

Norwich was England's second largest city in the middle ages, with its prosperity based on strong European export markets for the region's agricultural products.


A college which exemplifies "Hell Frozen Over," located in Northfield VT that prides itself on its ability to create frighteningly skewed male to female ratios, host massive sausage fests, impersonate various braches of the US Military, and play host to a lost, purposeless group of students, commonly referred to as "civis", who are simultaneously the source of the school's student abuse and financial stability. A place that no one would ever want to visit, especially considering the numerous Foam Dance parties hosted on campus. Furthermore, one of the few places where sledding will, undoubtedly, produce serious injuries in even the brightest of its students. Overall, a nasty place that the sun never shines on, the snow never leaves, and icy cold celebacy rules with an iron chastity belt.

Sex kills. Come to Norwich and live forever!

See BD


Name One Reason Why I Came Here.

Norwich Unviersity in middle of no where Vermont. An interesting campus where you will see things you didnt think possible.

See norwich, university, vermont, cold, alcohol


An acronym of the phrase "'Nickers off, ready when I come home". As used in a BBC Radio show "Just a Minute" in 1979

Queen Victoria wore her knickers in Sandringham, which gave rise to the word NORWICH, standing for "'Nickers off ready when I come home"

See norwich, knickers, nickers, acronym


football team who seem to be dragging themselves out of trouble at the last possible minute

hey dude, match of the day is on

i wanna see norwich beat man u


A slang word describing something or someone that is doing their purpose/job very badly.

You are coming into work less and less these days, you are turning into a real norwich!

See Pete


1. a small dull city in the eastern backwaters of England. Has no major transport links with any other part of the UK and that is not by accident. Home of Britains gayest football team after Watford.

Considered the centre of civilisation by BBC Look East and ITV Anglia news


2. Stands for N.ickers O.ff R.eady W.hen I. C.ome H.ome

"Im going to Norwich tomorrow"

"were the fuck is Norwich?"


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