Notre Dame Girls

What is Notre Dame Girls?


Apparently, some people have nothing better to do than make fun of Notre Dame girls. If they're all "dykes" then why are you so bitter?

I'm VMAPRIDE and I like to attack girls who go to Notre Dame because one of them got with a boy I like.


Classic preepy nice girls who love to eat and play lacrosse. Girls that are way cooler than Maryvale girls ever could be. Girls who love their school (yeah Gym Meet!!!) Girls who will grow up to be milfs

Maryvale Girl 1: God I wish I wasnt so slutty

Maryvale girl 2: Yeah that you might pass for an NDP girl

MG 1: I still wouldnt be cool enough though

See True Blue


At Notre Dame, there are two types of girls: The hott, rich, slutty types and the ugly ones who hang out with the hippies and the addicts from guys schools. Sadly enough, you're screwed no matter which group you're in. It's academics are way behind the other main line girls schools; their lesbian teachers (yes, there actually are some, ask some of their students) spend more time teaching important shit like "girl power" than they do with meaningless things like math and history. Even the local public schools far outclass them academically. Their athletics are okay, but let's be honest- they are no New York Yankees. So bottom line- if you're looking for a school where they spend the day telling you how precious you are, Notre Dame is right for you. If you're looking for more out of high school than just being seen as sluts for Malvern and Prep, look elsewhere.

If you're still interested in being Notre Dame Girls maybe you should visit one of the homosexual teachers...they could give you a "taste" of what to expect from a school that loves to "embrace" young women ;)

See nda, nd, sluts, whores, ugly


The definition of a notre dame girl is a rich dyke. They spend all day spending daddies money on things that villa girls get with a wink and a smile. Unfortunately for them they will forever live in the shadow of their ultimate predecessors villa maria. Villa is better in sports, academics and life. Recently takin by a poll of the Villa maria class of 05' they voted Notre dame their second favorite boys school...thats right they couldn't even win that competition. So in conclusion a word of advie for you notre dame runs out but style never fades...VMA FOREVER!!!

"hey im from notre dame and i think its hilarious to make insults on wonder i never get out"


ok this is shit... first of all, all the notre dame girls i know are complete whores. Get over yourselves because the guys sure have. I think I've heard of about 2 ND girls who are going to Malvern's prom with guys that are even semi-decent looking. The hot guys are taking villa girls - what now? So yeah maybe you're bitter and you decide to call our seniors sluts... let me just remind you little girls that your asses were already used. Basically now, on the night of Malvern's prom when your sitting on your fat asses getting wasted with each other, just remember this: we're dancing the night away with the guys you thought would ask you. So yeah, we'll gladly shake our asses in your faces. If you think your hotter oh hunnies look again

We think we're hot... basically tho we're just fugly... aka we're NDA

See whatnow


notre dame girls- people who need to stay together due to the steriotypism of bieng a lesbian. they have a veriety of clubs including rave clubs and rainbow clubs and they all wear matching shirts saying "free to be, you and me"

Notre Dame girl 1- Yes! Our prom is coming!! Do you want to be my date boo?

Notre Dame girl 2- oo would be a dream come true...lets go rent a tux


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