
What is Novinian?


Slang for a Northern Virginian, first appeared in Matt Carson's book, On A Hill They Call Capital.

Excerpt below from Carson's book, On A Hill They Call Capital:

"Cat finally got up and made his way back to the van, and slowly each man did in turn. We wound our way out of the world of the Novinians (who we call Northern Virginians) and back to the real Virginia. Cat usually explains it this way – Novinians are kind of like Martians. They can live amongst us – but we know who they are. They don’t talk or act like Virginians, they don’t prescribe to our “slow down, it’ll be alright” mentality, they use their horns for things other than waving, and they all scramble to be just like everyone else. We understand where the state line technically is, but most people wouldn’t claim anything north of Manassas as real Virginia anymore."

See suburbanite, metrosexual, metro


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