
What is Nubbins?


Broke, no money, zero funds, particularly appropriate in a gambling context.

"That last flop killed me, I'm down to the nubbins".

See broke, poor, destitute


1. small breasts

2. nipples

3. fingers

1. Check your nubbins! They're hanging out of your bathing suit, Savanna!

2. My nubbins look like milk duds!

3. Get your nubbins off me gold!


another name for tiny boobies

"dude look at how small the nubbins are on that chick"

See nub, nubbies, boobie, nip, nippens


a derogatory word used to describe a particularly bad date.

omg, amy, last night's date was such a nubbins. no reason to write him in ink.

See date, dating, loser, temporary, derogatory


pet term for loved one

how's my sweet nubbins?


Derogatory term for an amputee. Used primarly because the round edge of an amputated limb.

Check out tha nubbins.

Hey Mr. Nubbins

See Michelle


A variation of the word nub or noob, refering to both computer users and golfers.

STFU you nubbins

See stumpy


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