Number 7

What is Number 7?


To Beat off while taking a shit. Number 2 and Number 5 combined.

I was taking a number 7 when my mom walked in.

See Eric


The coolest character from Dead In the Water for PSX.

Ever since I started using Number 7 on DITW, I always beat RatchetBoo.


Adding heroin to cocaine before cooking it in a spoon with baking soda so it binds together into one rock.

I got right fucked up smoking number 7's last night but now I'm dopesick today.

See Ken


In the spirit of taking a "number one" or "number two," a number 7 is when you take a dump whilst crying hysterically.

Ralph: "I cried hysterically while I was taking a dump today"

Jim: "Wow, that's at least a number 7"

See number one, number two, poop, dump, crying, butthole, bowel movement


The act in which some one has anal sex but pulls out just before he shoots his load. Then you spit on the persons back mimicking the ejaculation process when your partner turns around you must release you load into there eyes and wipe there fesses from there anus on there upper lip

you've been number 7ed get the hell out of here you hoe!

See shit wipe, zombie, cum shot


A brand of ciggarettes usually cheaper!

MaN i WaS SmoKiN A MeNTHoL FLaVoR NuMBa 7 aT LunCH


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